Regardless of your position, at some point you have needed assistance. Managed Services Provider’s outsource on a proactive basis; management responsibilities and functions, and come up with a strategic method for improving operations and cutting expenses. That’s what a Managed Services Provider can bring to your company, the assistance you need at prices you can afford.

Overcoming The Fear Of Outsourcing An MSP:
Many organizations will feel like they are losing valuable control over important aspects of their day-to-day operations should they allow an outside entity access to those components. Many also feel that not having a person on staff to handle the needs of the company can create a problem to their organization’s ability to function. While these are rational fears, many times they can be handled by simply making an intelligent evaluation of the MSP in front of you. A good MSP will insure that clients understand their IT and have the ability to review their infrastructure at any moment. As for lack of response, in today’s technology driven world, a good MSP will have the resources available to insure clients are responded to in timely fashions.

Once an organization can overcome the initial fears of outsourcing, they can begin to focus on the benefits a good MSP can bring to the table. Choosing to work with an MSP means the following:

Solid & Predictable Budgeting: Many MSP companies will provide their services at a flat monthly rate. This allows for easy budget management with no surprises.

Access To A Team:
MSP companies are often staffed with multiple tiers of expertise. This allows the client to tap into resources that may not normally be available through a traditional structure.

Lower Operating Costs:
An MSP can provide a team of experts at numbers less than what would normally cost an organization to hire a single individual.

One Less Thing To Worry About: Choosing the right MSP means that is one less thing that an organization needs to deal with. The goal of a good MSP is to let you focus on your core operation, not the infrastructure supporting it.

After an organization starts to see the financial benefits to working with an MSP, they can then start to look at the operational benefits of the partnership and recognize immediately the added value a good MSP can offer by:

  • Extending their infrastructure with monitoring and alerting on critical components.
  • Auditing all systems and establishing a routine for security (aka patch) management.
  • Backups, backups, backups. A solid backup routine that covers file level restores all the way up to complete bare metal (disaster recovery) restores.
  • Assisting in the creation of operational standards. A good MSP can help you streamline your business by analyzing processes and showing you where things breakdown.

There is very little businesses left that can function without some aspect of IT touching their day-to-day operation. Technology has become an underlying reliance for almost every aspect of our day to day lives. If you don’t have an IT department or staff, an MSP can bring business class operations to you organization. If you have an IT department or staff, an MSP can augment and assist them extending the strength of your infrastructure.

A decent Managed Services Provider is an extension of your business, giving you a more manageable budget, a more powerful infrastructure, and overall peace of mind.

Feel free to Contact Us for more information.