Outsourcing your business needs is extremely common and beneficial to many companies around the world. The definition of outsourcing is when a company is looking to obtain a product or service from a third-party. Outsourcing your IT support is something that many companies already do.

Advantages of Outsourcing:

1. Reduces Costs: Outsourcing your IT support can save you tons of money a year. Managing an IT support team within your company can be very costly. You must provide hardware, software, servers and management of your servers, which can add up. Outsourcing your IT support is definitely a cheaper option.

2. Quality of Service: The service you receive from an outsourced IT support team will be very advanced because you will have experienced and qualified staff working in areas you may or may not be able to work on with in-house support. A good IT support company will have staff that has many years of experience to handle your IT support needs.

3. Saves Time: Instead of spending hours fixing a bug, troubleshooting servers, or rebooting a system, you want your company to focus on running and growing your business. IT issues can take a lot of time to correct, so outsource your IT support team and let someone else deal with it!

Along with those 3 core advantages, outsourcing can also improve IT support outside of normal working hours, access the most current and updated technologies and offer more advanced IT services that an in-house IT team would not be able to achieve.

How to Move to Outsourced IT?

1. Create a list of jobs you find most important for your outsourced IT team to deal with.
2. Choose an outsourcing company wisely, but make sure you’re investing competitively.
3. Explore your options; look at different teams before you make a decision on one.
4. Get familiar with new tools being used in the industry so you have an understanding of what you’re paying for.
5. Select a company that will support and elevate your IT department.

Outsourcing an entire IT support team from in-house can be challenging, but will benefit you and your business in the future for many reasons.

Feel free to Contact Us for more information.