It turns out that Total Data Protection solutions have a “side effect”: they’re the ultimate security solution, too.

But don’t be too surprised. Total Data Protection platforms were conceived with laser focus on the challenge of ensuring your business data is always protected and continuity is always guaranteed. Malware, hacker attacks, and (most commonly) human error are simply three of many “disasters” they defend against.

Several technical factors come together to enable a Total Data Protection solution to be the fastest, safest way to return a breached environment to normal operation.

• It requires image-based backups that include all the business data plus your IT environment.
• It combines use of on-site or virtual appliances and a purpose-built, secure cloud, always storing backup images in an archival format (ZFS) that is essentially invulnerable to malware.
• It includes tools that let you pinpoint the moment of attack or infection
• By using Inverse Chain Technology TM, it ensures that backup images stored before the attack are wholly uncorrupted End-to-end 256-bit AES encryption safeguards data in transit and at rest.
• Security features such as encryption simplify compliance with regulations (e.g., HIPAA and PCI)

Thus, we address virus, ransomware and other attacks by rolling back your entire environment to the last uncorrupted backup image. A bare metal restore from our Total Data Protection platform guarantees a clean result.

While Total Data Protection is primarily for backup and business continuity, it also functions as a failover or secondary security backup. The way it functions, you’re able to turn back time. Which is a lot easier than relying on any other application or software to get back your uncorrupted data.

With E-Tech, Total Data Protection Means a New Level of Security. With us, you can:

• Implement image-based backups as often as your need dictates – and include your business data plus your IT environment
• Pinpoint the moment you suffer an attack or infection
• Roll back your entire environment to the last uncorrupted image
• Enable rapid return to normal operations with only limited loss of productivity and downtime
• Encrypt data in transit and at rest
• Simplify compliance with regulations such as HIPAA and PCI

We Keep Your Business Safe!

Feel Free to Contact Us for more information.